To be an auspicious land

Most land buyers buy the land after enquiring surely. They should check that will the land be a good thing for them or will that land be clean. The land buyers can follow the advices described below to know how to do to get profits without risks.

Advicing to the land buyers

The advices in “Saya Tetlumyothit” described in No.222 of Khonnhityaungpyan Magazine, 2012 are about the good land, the land that gives anxiety , the land that give poor and the land that bring prosperity .


The best land to buy

If you plan to buy the land, the place in which there are water, cows and water buffalo, the plain ground, the place which there is soil to be able to fill pit, the place which the streams flow besides it, the place which the seeds can grow during three days, the place which the purified water can be get from the well, are the best places to buy.


To be an auspicious land

The land that the anxiety influences

The place which is like with the faces of turtle, elephant, cow and fish, the place which is in circle shape, and the place at which there are bone, hair, charcoal and poisoned animals are the lands that bring anxiety to the residents.

The land that bring prosperity to the residents

If the south area is lower than the north area, it is rich. If the middle area is high, the resident cannot be stable. If the middle area is lower than any other areas, the residents can get rich. If the north west area is higher than the north east, the prosperity can be got. If the east part of the land is higher than the west part, the residents can get prosperity.

The poverty-stricken land

If the North East is lower than the North West, the resident can be financially ruined. If the east area is lower than the west, they can be abysmally poor. If the south area is lower than the north area, the resident can die early. If the south west is lower than the north east, the resient can encounter the poverty.


To be an auspicious land

The plants that should be grown on your own land

After buying a land, you should plant a Jack Fruit plant and Banyan Tree in the east, Tamarind Tree in the south, Coconut Tree in the north, in the west, Toddy-Palm Tree in the south. The residents can possess a glory house by following these facts.


Avoid the lands at which pagoda and Buddhist oridination hall were located

“Ways to be clean your property” is described in this “Yaung Pyan Magazine” that if the residents use the wood that should not used in a house, it is needed to recite the selection from sacred Pali texts by monks according to the ritual performed.

The reasons of reciting the selection from sacred Pali texts by monks according the ritual performed are that the people should not use the lands at which pagoda and Buddhist oridination hall were situated. So it is aimed to come to an end of thest kinds of land. These kinds of lands are the dangerous places. The evils can give riske in various ways to the residents. In cleaning these lands to remove the evils, reciting the selection from the sacred by the monks according to the ritual performend have to be used.

So, these good adveices are described for the readers in order to bring prosperity and good things to be received.


To be an auspicious land


8115 views | 22 Feb 2016 12:22 pm

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