What To Look For When Buying A House

Buying a good feng shui house is really an enthrawling experience. Even though it can easily overwhelm and intimidate you. You look for a good house nice looking and big enough for your family. You pick the right location with all kinds of ammenites. You avoid overpriced houses, look for bargains and deal with paper works.

You will be living in the house hopefully for a lifetime. So you would want a good feng shui house that helps you pile up wealth and nurture great relationships and brings you health, happiness and vitality.


Shopping for a great feng shui house can be real fun

Learning to pick a great feng shui house is really fun when you know what to look for. Also you must know what to avoid. It will also help you develop your own feng shui eyes. And having a great house means good luck flowing through out a life time. You will enjoy wealth and prosperity and fantastic relationships if you can pick a great feng shui house.


What To Look For When Buying A House


Step 1: Find the kua number for the head of the family

Once you know the kua number you must check if you are an east group or west group.

If you are from east group that means kua numbers then 1,3,4,9 the family will benefit from a house facing East, North, South, and South East.

If you are from west group that means kua numbers then 2, 6,7,8  the family will benefit from a house facing North west, South West, West, North east.


Step 2: Check house facing direction

You will need a good feng shui compass. Not just any other compass. In a normal compass you will find 4 primary directions that are north, south, east, west and 4 secondary directions north east, south east, northwest and south west. So that’s a total of 8 directions. A feng shui compass will not only have 8 directions but each of the direction is subdivided into 3 sub directions. So you have a toal of 24 directions in this kind of compass. So you will know exactly if you are facing north then is it north 1, north 2 or north 3. Each direction is divided into 3 sub direction.


What To Look For When Buying A House

Step 3: Watch out your neighbourhood

The natural environment is very powerful. So even if your interiors suffer from feng shui mistakes, you don’t need to worry if your home enjoys excellent feng shui landscaping and physical surroundings. But if the landscape is suffering from bad feng shui then even the most powerful feng shui items inside the home will be weak.

Is your house too near to rail roads?

Keep your eyes out for cemeteries. Places of Worship, Hospitals and prisons. Are they too near to your house? The blessing will not arrive to your home.

Do not live sandwiched location between two buildings which dwarf your home.The buildings block any benevolent chi from flowing into your home.

Do not live too near to road flyovers which seem to cut into your home or the building that houses your apartment. The chi turns lethal. It’s not a good feng shui house

Do not live in a dead end. Here chi stagnates, and when you have problems, there will be no way out. It’s not a good feng shui house.


What To Look For When Buying A House

1. Do you have anything tall blocking your main door?

Is there anything tall like a hill or an imposing building infront of your house or the main door? The nearer the building is to you, the more harmful it is.You must have nothing tall infront for at least twice the length of your house. A simple soultion is to change the door so that the tall imposing building is behind you. It then starts protecting you. If it’s impossible, install very bright lights in front of the house, and keep these lights turned on.

If your house is below road level, it can bring problems.


What To Look For When Buying A House

2. Is your main door facing a straight road?

Straight driveways can be successfully softened by smart landscaping that means making plants and flowering bushes break up and camouflage sharp, straight lines.Or simply move the door to deflect the straight road charging towards it. Or simply block the offending junction by planting a hedge. Another way is to make sure the level of the house is higher than the road coming straight at it; this puts the house over the poisonous breath and successfully averts misfortune.

  1. All the things which is entering across your main entrance are poison arrows

You need to check the trianjular roofs of the neighborhood houses. And also check if the garbage across the road, single trees, lamp posts, telephone poles, and street signs are pointed to your door. These poison arrows can avert chi of your house. Block them off from view, or divert the shar chi elsewhere with a wall or hedge.


What To Look For When Buying A House

Step 4: Check the shape of the house

Are there any missing corners? You must go for a regular shape house like a square or rectangle. A missing corner in an irregular shaped house is dangerous, especially, if either the North West or South West corner. You can use mirrors or have bright lights at the area which is missing. 

Also check if your house is sending poison arrows like triangular roof lines or sharp edge. If your neighbour uses a mirror it would rebound to your home.


What To Look For When Buying A House

Step 5: Watch out the floor plan

Are the kitchens and toilets visible from the entrance? Do you have toilets and kitchens in the two most important areas (North West or South West)? The worst house is where you have kitchen in the North West. All the heaven energy pours into the home from North West. 

Next check if you have toilets above front door, living, dining room, bedroom or kitchens? Do you have kitchen below a bedroom, living, and dining room?



What To Look For When Buying A House


Step 6: Check the main door feng shui

You need to check does your main door open into a cramped area or a small foyer? Is there a staircase facing the main door? Is the door too big or too small? 


What To Look For When Buying A House



23660 views | 29 Feb 2016 12:57 pm

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Credit: iMyanmarHouse.com

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