Young women are pranking their dads by saying they’re going to work on oil rigs. The responses are heartwarming: ‘Money can’t bring your life back.’ - Property News in Myanmar from

Young women are pranking their dads by saying they’re going to work on oil rigs. The responses are heartwarming: ‘Money can’t bring your life back.’

When Jahkira Michelle, a 23-year-old college administration worker, prank-called her dad to say she landed an underwater welder apprenticeship for six weeks, she just wanted to hear his genuine reaction. She knew what to expect and he delivered: “Money can’t bring your life back!”

“It would be one thing if I said regular welder,” Michelle told Fortune, “but something as dangerous as going deep underwater from the shore, and I can’t actually swim, I was expecting him not to be on board at all.”

The prank, trending on TikTok, involves dozens of women calling up their fathers, brothers, and partners about landing a six-figure job offer at an offshore oil rig.

The women explain that the job entails spending six weeks as an underwater welder or apprentice, and revealing their loved ones’ reactions.

Aside from a poignant, confused silence that usually follows the women’s announcement, the reactions sit somewhere between protective, supportive and realistic–much in line with the huge risks of injury and death that oil rig workers face in exchange for a relatively high salary.

Michelle’s father has been a welder most of his life, she said.

He worked at construction sites in Maryland for decades.

“He doesn’t like the profession,” she said, adding that her father describes the labor as something that’s added “10 years” to his life.

“Your body breaks down from all of the heavy labor, using hot metal,” Michelle said. “He wouldn’t want me to have to do that.”

Another Tik Tok user, Olivia Prewitt, a 25-year-old Kentucky native who is now based in Florida working as a realtor, told Fortune that she discovered the trend shortly after she “had mentioned moving to California on a wild hair” to her father.

He told her she’d need a job that would support the high cost of living out there.

She’s a former Miss Kentucky Teen USA.

Her father’s reaction was very dadlike. A long pause, and then, “That’s not anything you’d want to do.” She pushed him, saying the pay was $185K for six weeks, to which he replied, “Aw shit, you ain’t gonna do no welding.”

At first she only planned to share the video with friends, but decided to post it publicly. It has racked up 4.5 million views and inspired a wave of new pranksters wanting to gauge how their family and friends will react.


Ref: Young women are pranking their dads by saying they’re going to work on oil rigs. The responses are heartwarming: ‘Money can’t bring your life back.’ (finance)


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